Single-player games

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Single-player games are games designed to be played by only one person at a time. Single-player games appear in every genre of video game, except for genres that are defined partly by their multiplayer nature (such as party games and massively multiplayer online games).

Educational potential

Multiplayer games are often described as well-suited to education because they include inherently social functions like communication, collaboration, discussion and analysis, but single-player games have advantages as well. For example, many single-player games with prominent narratives allow the player to impact the world more strongly than is possible in massively multiplayer games, allowing for an experience that is more immersive, more guided and at the same time more responsive to the player's actions.

Case studies

Single-player role-playing games have been used in classrooms to examine questions of character motivation and morality,[1] as well as to help students write interactive short stories[2][3]. Many games that can be played in both single-player and multiplayer modes have also been used in classrooms, including games from the Civilization and SimCity series.


  1. Kadakia, Maya. Increasing Student Engagement by Using Morrowind to Analyze Choices and Consequences. TechTrends (2005) vol. 49 (5) pp. 29-32. Retrieved from
  2. ↑ Carbonaro, M., et al. Interactive Story Authoring: A Viable Form of Creative Expression for the Classroom. Computers & Education (2008) vol. 51 (2) pp. 687-707. Retrieved from
  3. Robertson, Judy, and Judith Good. Children's Narrative Development through Computer Game Authoring. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning (2005) vol. (5) pp. 43-59. Retrieved from
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